When time sends you Accolades!!

All that you have been waiting for, all that you have been yearning to become when seem to get diminished....Its then should you say "Don't Quit"!!
Yes, There's always something that is made for you and all that you need is the determination and confidence to let you keep going to reach the destiny carved in your name. Let go off the langour and open up to the world outside.........and see how beautiful it is...!!

Time sets you everything and the almighty decides the time. Trust the one above and believe in what you do..and nothing can stop you from conquering what you care to achieve.!

This happened with me a few weeks ago. An experience that bought immnense pleasure though it did not give me what exactly i was looking for..!! It was my first ever interviewed and i was timouring over it only until i stepped inside. Well, not that i'm faint-hearted, but the fact that i should give my best and make an impression. News about me not getting selected was already getting into a distressed issue among colleagues and my friends were stubborn on denying i was not capable enough. Their confidence and support added an extra pound of hope in me. I swore to myself, i shall not let down the trust my lot has on me and i "Entered the Dragon"........ with an appealing smile on my moldy face!
It went on for about an hour and a half with tickling questions down my nerve though all seemed to be like a cakewalk. I took all the arrows with utmost no trepidation and shot back an impression of engulf!!
I came out with an emotion of jubilation like a queen of Honor to brag about my first interview that i found to be extraordinarily glorious. My pals who were waiting at a silhoutte with an air of curiosness, suddenly seemed to be elated to see the gaiety on my weary face covered and which was then dried up in sweat!!..
I emptied the emotions of my expedition in to each of thier opened ears and began to wait for the Big Moment. I was sure of myself getting into it as they themselves seemed to be overwhelmed with me and my sixth sense did speak out a positive verbose!
All our fingers were crossed, and finally did the moment come when we who had been gruelled with bunch of questions were requested to enter the arena to declare the victorians..!!
It was the biggest shock of the whole day as the letters of my name seemed to dearth....!! "Kranthi" was nor heard neither called out!!!... I felt shattered and could see darkness covering my circumference of glee. Overshadowed with the quiver, I returned home in frustration.
After quarter day of brooding over the trounce,i gave myself a second tought and said......"This is not the end of your life..!! You gave your best and probably this might not be your cup of coffee!!"
The happiness in me took twilight when i learnt that I was appreciated for what i had exhibited and i was also victoriuos but was on hold due to some plausible reasons.
I know this did not give me what i yearned for yet, it did not ebb the power if my caliber.
That day is one of the most cherished days of life...
Thank you Oh Lord Venkateshwara!!


Unknown said…
really moving one ..got emotional at d end .. keep going kranthi .. u will succeed ..all d best ..
snigdha said…
Hey kranthi excellent post yaar.I felt everybody should read this please keep this always.I shall read it again and again when i am in depressed feeling.
bommarillu said…
u r great in ur way of expressing...how much can i know u better talking to u for a while? ....just wish to have all the luck on ur side next and hav a go....

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