Call for the Humanity

Hi All, This is my reply to what Sushmita Sen had to ask..
Go ahead n Read...Hope you enjoy it.

Sushmita Sen asks Yahoo :
"What brings human beings together, yet allows us to keep our individuality?"
gr8me_rems :
What brings Humanity ......!!
Every person is born with the feeling of oneness but as time sweeps and he grows up..its the circumstances and the trails of his life that make it more materialistic.
It is the bond of LOVE, token of PEACE, and the emotion of CARE, the rage of Responsibilty and the feeling of "WE will rock"...wil bring n keep humanity together.
Today, when the world is growing like buzzfire with increasing pace of Hype, fame and page 3, there is very little attention given to the salaried people or the middle class which still contributes to 60% of our population and remaining 30% being the poor. Humanity seems to dwindle as the "its all about money" rules the street.Our lives have become so preoccupied with "did i gain or lose today"...I dont deny.but this factor seems to suppress the morale of your life..
You are here to serve a purpose and to serve the almighty, at the end of the day all we see is......Its me only me...!! Live n Let Live used to be heard everydayin our minds some time back but has become...."Live Live n I Live"....
The world has lost many people who care for the humanity and now this place is just a platform to keep moving...There is no time to stand and stare nor care for other beings. Life is getting rott and its just getting more maniac than serene..
Even at this echelon, there are moments which bring togetherthe humanity amongst us..
Its GOD, his creation ie the nature and our fellow beings..the animals..Just give a tought how happy thier life is..
When an ant is hurt , one ofthe other ant helps it to cross all its journey..So does our instinct comes up alive when we see someone hurt...n when the world is in crisis dies our humanity come to the highest levels.Thats when we unanimously fight n help other too survive.
Altogether, lets keep up the light of care, courage and a concern for the fellow biengs glowing.Leave your prejuidices, overpride, attitude and hostility and look at the world beyond....You can enrich the most beautiful life u have never witnessed!!


Hemanth said…
Thought provoking...
'no time to stand and stare' reminds me of a wonderful poem...Leisure...we nowadays never have time!! Good one.

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